Rüstringer Heimatbund visits the excavations at the ‘Hasenburg’ terp

Since the start of September, a six-person team from the NIhK has been excavating at the foot of the terp ‘Hasenburg’ in northern Butjadingen. The interdisciplinary investigations are part of a three-year project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), which is focussing on the formation of terps and beach ridges in the region around 2000 years ago.

The current excavations at the ‘Hasenburg’ aim at gaining a more precise understanding of the relationship between the construction of terps and the coastal development. Central research questions include the age and development of the beach ridge system, but also the sequence of the first settlements in this landscape grown towards the sea, the environmental conditions and the resources available during these times. 

On the 19th of September the Rüstringer Heimatbund visited the excavation. Around 50 members of the society as well as other guests attended in perfect weather. On spot they were informed about the so far achieved results by the geologist Kira Raith and the archaeologist Thorsten Becker. Especially the interlocking of a complex system of ditches at the edge of the terp and the naturally grown beach ridge, as well as the salt marsh vegetation that developed on it were discussed. Numerous finds of pottery, animal bones and mussel shells tell of the everyday life and diet of people 2000 years ago. Spinning whorls, slag remains and fragments of briquetage pottery indicate textile production, metalworking and salt extraction.