The Redbad project is picking up speed!

Together with the Fries Museum, the Ostfriesischen Landesmuseum Emden, the Ostfriesische Landschaft, Learning Hub FrieslandFirdaMythemakersFryske Akademy and the Rijksuniversität Groningen, the NIhK will be working on a comprehensive research, exhibition and public project over the coming years. The focus is on the Frisian king Redbad or Radbod (ca. 670-719) mentioned in written sources from the Middle Ages and the world in which he lived. The project brings together archaeological, historical and landscape-historical knowledge. 

On 24 March 2025, representatives of all participating institutions came together for a kick-off meeting at the Fries Museum Leeuwarden and discussed the next steps towards implementation. As part of the project, current research results on the early Middle Ages in the German-Dutch coastal region will first be analysed and then described in a scientific publication. The most important findings will also be presented in a popular science book and in exhibitions - in Leeuwarden in 2026 and in Emden in 2027. In addition, an educational programme specifically geared towards the Redbad period and a historical role play will be developed.

The RADBOD project is part of the Interreg VI programme Germany-Netherlands and is co-financed by the European Union, the Ministry of Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development of Lower Saxony, the Province of Fryslân and the Province of Groningen.

You can find more information here