Moritz Mennenga
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.- Prähistoriker
Scientific Associate
Head of unit Prehistoric Archaeology and Geoinformatics
Tel.: +49 4421 915-124
Curriculum vitae
2016 | PhD graduation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Thesis: Zwischen Elbe und Ems - Die Siedlungen der Trichterbecherkultur in Nordwestdeutschland. (Between the rivers Elbe and Ems – Settlements of the Funnelbeaker Culture in Northwestern Germany. |
since 2015 | Head of unit for excavation technique and geoinformatics at the NIhK |
since 2011 | Scientific assistant at the NIhK |
2011 | Graduation as Diplom-Prähistoriker (Master of Science) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel |
2006 - 2011 | Study of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology, Anthropology (Human Biology) und Computer Science at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel |
Research priorities
• | Prehistoric Settlements in northwestern Germany |
• | Archaeo- and Geoinformatics |
Current research topics
• | Relicts under the bog: Archaeological investigations on settlements and megalithic graves of the funnel beaker culture in the Elbe-Weser triangle. |
• | SPLASHCOS-Viewer by COST-Action Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf |
Memberships, honorary offices