ArboDat - APE

ArboDat is a program package for registering and importing data of archaeobotanical analyses including contexts of samples as well as evaluation tools e.g. preparing tables for publications. It has been developed since 1997 as a product of the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen, Wiesbaden/Germany (HessenARCHÄOLOGIE) under the direction of Prof. Angela Kreuz.
By June 2016, all rights including the copyright were transferred to the Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung (NIhK), Wilhelmshaven/Germany, now the holder of the copyright for ArboDat and with the right to distribute licenses to archaeobotanical scientists or institutions after acceptance of the software license agreement. The current up-dated version is ArboDat 2018, available in German, (partly) English and French and is provided free of charge. The Licensor (NIhK) is not in any way liable for the use of the computer program or any infringement on the rights of a third party through this computer program, nor is it liable for any damages incurred on a third party by the use of the computer program. Any form of liability by the Licensor in connection with this computer program is disclaimed and declined.
Because the structure is identical in all three versions, data exchange among colleagues and groups is possible and should not cause compatibility problems. Nevertheless, specific adaptations to a certain extend can be made to account for regional differences.
However, because free access to the data is not possible and long-term storage of data is not always secured, the web app “APE - Arbodat Pangaea Export” has been developed and a section ARBODAT created at the data publisher platform PANGAEA. With the help of APE, ArboDat data can be easily exported and converted into the specific data structure needed for the upload to PANGAEA where the data are finally available open access and fully citeable with a DOI; APCs are not charged.
For questions related to ArboDat please contact Felix Bittmann.
For questions related to APE or Pangaea upload please contact Moritz Mennenga.
With the use of APE, the user accepts theTerms of use and data protection regulations.