Felix Bittmann
Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Biologe
Executive Director
Head of the Department of Natural sciences
Tel.: +49 4421 915-146
Curriculum vitae
Deputy executive director of NIhK (bi-annually changing) | |
2009 | Executive scientific director of NIhK |
2006 | Temporary acting scientific director of NIhK |
2000 | Deputy scientific director of NIhK and head of the Department of Natural Sciences |
1999 - 2000 | Research associate at Brandenburg State Office for Cultural Heritage and Archaeological State Museum, head of the archaeo-biological division, Potsdam/Wünsdorf |
1994 - 1998 | Research associate at the Institute of Palynology and Quaternary Sciences, University of Göttingen |
1993 - 1994 | Research associate at the Institute of Prae- and Protohistory and Provincial Roman Archaeology, University of Munich |
1991 | PhD graduation at the University of Göttingen. Topic of the thesis: Vegetation history of the middle and late Pleistocene sediments in the Neuwied Basin (Middle Rhine) |
1988 - 1992 | PhD student at the Institute of Palynology and Quaternary Sciences, University of Göttingen |
1988 | Diploma in botany, University of Göttingen |
1981 - 1988 | Study of biology at the universities Freiburg/Breisgau and Göttingen |
Research priorities
- Post-glacial vegetation and climate history
- Archaeobotany/Palaeo-ethnobotany
- Vegetation- and crop history of South East Europe
- Quaternary biostratigraphy
Current research topics
- Archaeobotanical investigations of Roman Iron-Age and Early Medieval terps in North Western Germany
- Archaeobotanical and palynological investigations on subsistence and environmental impacts of the Bronze Age settlement Fidvár, Slovakia
- The Wadden Sea as an archive of landscape evolution, climate change and settlement history
Memberships, honorary offices, awards
- Honorary Professor at the University of Bremen, Institute for Geography
- Editorial-in-Chief of the scientific journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Springer, Heidelberg New York
- Editorial staff of the journal Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, RGZM Mainz, Germany
- Member of the advisory board „Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries“
- Member of the Committee of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (since 2016 speaker)
- Member of the workgroup for vegetation history of the Reinhold-Tüxen-Society Hannover (Chair 2007-2016)
- Full member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
- Member of the Roman-Germanic Commission (RGK) of the DAI (2008-2018)
- Full member of the Subcommission Quaternary Stratigraphy of the German Stratigraphic Commission (Chair 2012-2019)
- Member of the Starting Grants evaluation panel SH6 (The Study of the Human Past) at European Research Council (ERC) in Brussels (2010-2017)
- Member of the scientific advisory council „Forschungs- und Erlebniszentrum (FEZ) Schöningen“ (2010-2013)
- Member of the scientific advisory council “Grabungsstätte Schöningen”
- Member of the scientific advisory council „Excavations in Kalkriese“
- Member of the scientific advisory council Oldenburgische Landschaft