Zukunftstag at the NIhK
On 25 April 2024, the so-called Zukunftstag took place again throughout Germany, including in Lower Saxony. This special day is organised for girls and boys from all general education schools. On this annual day of action, pupils in years 5 to 9 can get to know a wide variety of professions, including those that are considered rather atypical for their respective gender.
This year, two female and one male pupil, who had travelled to Wilhelmshaven from different parts of north-west Germany, were interested in the wide range of research opportunities at the NIhK. The day began in the natural sciences department. Under expert guidance, they were able to use microscopes in the archaeobotany laboratories to examine in detail and even precisely identify various fruits and seeds, as well as pollen from a wide range of cultivated plants from the coastal region. Ida, Santje and Jan gained also an insight into the field of "textile archaeology". The transmitted light microscope was used to identify and photograph hair samples from family members and pets. Leaves and flowers, feathers and stones were also examined under a high-resolution digital microscope, revealing many tiny details.
The day concluded with an introduction to cemetery archaeology. Burial objects made of pottery and metal from the Nienbüttel cemetery were used to investigate early historical burial customs. Early medieval artefacts were examined in the NIhK's metal magazine and some similarities with our modern everyday objects were identified.