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Subsistence Strategies, Settlement Structure and Communication during the Final Mesolithic Exemplified by a Submarine Micro Region in the Bay of Kiel

Finds dating to the earlier Final Mesolithic have been recovered in a water depth of 6m in organogenic sediment layers during the course of archaeological underwater investigations in the periphery of fallen oak trunks off the cliff line at Stohl to the North of Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein). Initial evaluations at the site of Strande LA 163 in 2012 revealed very good preservation conditions and yielded an extensive finds assemblage, particularly of organic finds and including human remains. Typological and scientific dating provides evidence for the site’s occupation between 5390 BC and 4750 BC. It thus belongs to the aceramic phase of the Ertebølle culture (Jäckelberg/Rosenfelde-Phase) for which there has so far been little evidence in terms of in-situ finds from the North German Baltic coast. This seaside settlement was situated on the shore of a lagoon where hunters, fishermen and gatherers produced tools made from flint, bone, antler and wood. They had local access to marine and terrestrial food sources.
In 2014 the German Research Foundation (DFG) provided funding for evaluation of the site. The investigation of an area measuring c. 1 ha demonstrated that organic sediments containing finds were not confined to the area of the 2012 test excavations but were also present over a wider area. Additionally, the existence of further concentrations of finds as well as exposed organic sediment layers and fallen trees have been notified by local divers.
DFG-funding has been granted for further research which has been planned by Dr. Julia Goldhammer in cooperation with Dr. Sönke Hartz (Archaeologial State Museum Schleswig) and Dr. Steffen Wolters, enabling a continuation of the investigations from 2018 onwards.



J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Der ertebøllezeitliche Siedlungsplatz von Strande LA 163, Kr. Rendsburg-Eckernförde, und die Littorina-Transgression – Submarine Prospektionsarbeiten und Sondagen. Siedlungs- und Küstenforschung an der südlichen Nordseeküste 38, 2015, 29-41.

J. Goldhammer, Forschungsabenteuer Ostsee – eine Momentaufnahme der Steinzeit, Archäologie in Deutschland 2015, 1, 22-25.

A. Glykou/J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Versunkene Steinzeit – Taucharchäologische Untersuchungen an der schleswig-holsteinischen Ostseeküste. In: F. Huber/S. Kleingärtner (Hrsg.), Gestrandet, Versenkt, Versunken - Faszination Unterwasserarchäologie (Neumünster/Hamburg 2014), 76-97.

J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Versunkene Steinzeit – Endmesolithische Funde aus der Ostsee vor der Steilküste von Stohl. Jahrbuch der Heimatgemeinschaft Eckernförde e.V. 2013, 151-162.

J. Goldhammer/S. Hartz, Steinzeitliche Siedlungsreste am Ostseegrund: Ein endmesolithischer Fundplatz in der Kieler Bucht. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 15, 2012, 26-29.