Steffen Wolters
Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Biologe, M. Sc.
Senior researcher
Unit Vegetation history
Tel.: +49 4421 915-147
Curriculum vitae
- since 12/2002: Research associate at NIhK
- 1996 - 2002: Research associate at the chair of botany, Potsdam University
- 2002: PhD Graduate at Potsdam University. Thesis: Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur spätglazialen und holozänen Landschaftsentwicklung in der Döberitzer Heide (Brandenburg)
- 1997: Master of Science, National University of Ireland, University College Galway
- 1996: Diploma, Potsdam University. Thesis: Palynological investigations into vegetation history of the Ferch Hills southwest of Potsdam (Mire Langes Fenn near Kemnitzerheide)
- 1990 - 1996: Study of Biology at Potsdam University, University College Galway (Ireland) and at Technical University Berlin
Research priorities
- Vegetation history of Northwest Europe
- Bog and lake development in north-western Germany
- History of cultivated plants
Current research topics
- Impact of prehistoric and pre-industrial land use on lake systems in northwestern Germany
- Multy-proxy analyses towards the reconstruction of Late- and Post-Glacial development of the Fehmarn Belt/Baltic Sea
- Palaeoecological investigations of submarine peat profiles towards the reconstruction of early Holocene sea level rise in the southern North Sea
- Makroanalytical investigations on mesolithic find assemblages of the excavation Friesack (Brandenburg) with special emphasis on the history of Urtica kioviensis ROGOW.
- Pollen analytical investigations on the vegetation- and settlement history of Bosnia-Herzegowina (Seoce Jezero in the Visoko basin, Bosnia, elevation 630 m)
Memberships, honorary offices
- Speaker of the Taxonomy Support Group by European Pollen Database