Ministry approves research project on the Nienbüttel cemetery, district Uelzen
In cooperation with the Heinrich Schliemann Institute of the University of Rostock (HSI) and the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK), a research project was conceived in 2021, aiming to reconstruct ritual practices of the younger Iron Age and older Roman Iron Age population who buried their deceased on the well-known cremation cemetery of Nienbüttel (Uelzen district). The work program of the project envisages the combined use of geophysical, pedological and archaeological methods in order to gain new information about the preservation of the graves still preserved in the ground. As a result numerous new data about the burial culture of Germanic communities in the centuries around BC are expected. The funds required for the implementation of the project have now been approved by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK) via the PRO*Niedersachsen program - research projects in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences. The research is scheduled to start in May 2023.