Many colorful beads from the Dunum cemetery
Situated on a hilltop in the Geest and surrounded by several watercourses, the settlement chamber of Dunum, Ldkr. Wittmund, has been the subject of archaeological research since the 1960s. Especially the more than 800 burials of the cemetery, which can be dated to the 7th to 10th century, have been the focus of archaeological research again and again and has recently been investigated thoroughly, within a research-project, funded by the German Research Fundation.
Currently, Selina Pohl B.A. is working on her master's thesis at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel on the predominantly glass beads recovered from the graves. The aim of the research is to verify and refine the relative chronological dating of the occupation phases of the Dunum cemetery on the basis of a typological and stratigraphical classification of the beads.
In addition, manufacturing and wear traces will be documented and analyzed using images from the Keyence VHX 7000 digital microscope.