Once again in the focus of research: Textile production on the Feddersen Wierde Wurt
The dwelling mound Feddersen Wierde, located in the Land Wursten, district of Cuxhaven, is the only almost completely excavated terp in the area of the North Sea coast. It has been investigated between 1954 and 1963 by the former “Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für Marschen- und Wurtenforschung“. Even more than 50 years after the end of the excavation, the structures and finds of the dwelling mound are still in the focus of archaeological research. Particular attention was paid to the organisation and technological status of the local textile craft, as evidenced by a wide variety of weaving implements and excellently preserved textiles.
As part of her Master's thesis at the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Martha Görlitz B. A. is currently studying the numerous spindle whorls and weights recovered from the dwelling mound. The aim of her research at the NIhK is first of all the typological and chronological classification of the spindle whorls made of different materials. In this context, Martha Görlitz will also review and improve the existing GIS-based data on their spatial and stratigraphical distribution.