NIhK with ArboDat+ as part of NFDI4Objects
As part of the National Research Data Infrastructure funded by the German Research Foundation, the NFDI4Objects consortium was approved and will start on March 1st, 2023. It is about the handling of data resulting from research on the material heritage of mankind. This includes not only finds, but also the results of scientific investigations, excavation documentation and surveying data. The NIhK is a participant in NFDI4Objects - but also active in the "Arbodat+" trail of Task 3 NFDI4Objects for Analytics and Experiments. In cooperation with Archaeoinformatics and the Roots Cluster of Excellence at the University of Kiel, the Arbodat recording system for botanical macro remains will be remoulded and adapted to modern data management needs. At the same time, the connection to Pangea will be strengthened in order to simplify the open access publication of the data.