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Pière Leon Frederiks

M.Sc.  – Landscape Archaeology

PhD Candidate

Scientific Associate

Head of unit Prehistoric Archaeology and Geoinformatics


Tel.: 0049 4421 915 157



since 10/2023Head of unit Prehistoric Archaeology and Geoinformatics at the Lower Saxony Institute of Historical Coastal Research (NIhK)
09/2023 - 10/2023Scientific associate (landscape archaeologist) in the project “Rituals in a new light – Modern field research, documentation and visualisation strategies using the example of the burial ground of Nienbüttel” at the NIhK
11/2022 - 01/2023Scientific associate (landscape archaeologist) in the project “Mesolithic in Northwestern Germany. An archaeological survey for water-logged sites” at the NIhK
since 3/2022PhD candidate at the Institute for Ecosystem Research of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
since 2/2022Scientific associate (landscape archaeologist) and field archaeologist in the project “The Borgsumburg on the North Frisian island Föhr” at the NIhK
since 2021Scientific associate at the NIhK i.a. in the project “ Preserved in the bog - relics of prehistoric settlement landscapes in the Elbe-Weser triangle“ 
2021Abschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.)
2018 - 2021Master studies in ‘Landscape Archaeology‘ at the Freie Universität und Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
2018Graduation Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
2014 - 2018Bachelor studies in ‘Conservation and Restoration/ Field Archaeology‘ with the focus on ‘Archaeological – Historical Cultural Heritage’ at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Research priorities
  • Geoarchaeological and palaeotopographical research
  • Head of excavation, preperation and follow-up of excavations
  • Geo-/Archaeoinformatics – development, data management and processing
  • Digitalisation/ 3D – modelling/ Visualisation
  • Remote sensing
Current research
  • In between moraine, marsh and sea. palaeotopographical and geoarchaeological studies regarding the landscape genesis and natural waters (tidal creeks) on the North Frisian island Föhr
  • AK Geoarchäologie