Melanie Augstein
Dr. phil., Magistra Artium
Research associate
Tel.: +49 4421 5074057
Curriculum vitae
- Since 08/2023: Research associate at the NIhK, Wilhelmshaven
- 2020-2023: Research associate at the Chair for Pre- and Protohistory at Leipzig University. DFG Research Grant (temporary position as principal investigator). Project: »Manipulation of Objects from Graves – Aspects of Ritual and Symbolic Communication between Late Bronze Age and Late Latène Period in South and Southwest Germany«
- 2018-2020: Research associate at the Chair for Pre- and Protohistory at the Heinrich Schliemann-Institute for Ancient Studies, Rostock University
- 2011-2018: Research associate at the Chair for Pre- and Protohistory at Leipzig University
- 2012: PhD Graduation (Pre- and Protohistory) at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. Thesis:
The Hallstatt- and Early Latène period burial ground of Dietfurt in its cultural context - 2004: Master Graduation (Magistra Artium) at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Thesis: Open settlements of the Middle and Late Latène period in Middle and Western Europe
- 1997-2004: Studies of Pre- and Protohistory, Art History and Folklore Studies/Empirical Cultural Studies at Münster University and Tübingen University
Research priorities
• Archaeology of death and burial
• Burial rituals
Current research topics
• Rituals in a new light – Modern field research, documentation and visualisation strategies using the example of the burial ground of Nienbüttel
Memberships, honorary offices
• Cluster 3 »Body and death« of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) | |
• International Sachsensymposion | |
• German Society for Pre- and Protohistory (DGUF) | |
• Archaeological Society for Bavaria | |
• Archaeological Society for Saxony | |
• Tübinger Association for the Promotion of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology (TÜVA) | |
• Working group »Iron Age« | |
• Working group »Roman Iron Age in Barbaricum« | |
• Working group »Theories in Archaeology« |