Annette Siegmüller
Dr. phil., Magistra Artium
Senior researcher
Currently seconded to the State Museum of Nature and Man in Oldenburg (Damm 38-46, 26135 Oldenburg).
Tel.: +49 441 40570 332
Curriculum vitae
- since 2024: seconded to the State Museum of Nature and Man in Oldenburg
- 2015-2024: Head of unit Clay District- and Landscape Archaeology at NIhK
- 2010-2015: Head of unit Landscape Archaeology at NIhK
- 2009: PhD Graduate at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hamburg. Thesis: Die Ausgrabungen auf der frühmittelalterlichen Wurt Hessens, Wilhelmshaven. Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsweise in der Küstenmarsch
- since 2004: Research Associate at NIhK
- 2003: Graduate Magister Artium (M.A.) at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hamburg
- 1994-2003: Study of Pre- and Protohistory, Soil Science and Classical Archaeology at University of Hamburg
Research priorities
- Structures of communication and distribution in the first millennium AD in the coastal zones of the North Sea
- Reconstruction of paleo-landscapes and settlement systems in the clay district
- Historical agriculture and cropping systems
- Special analytics on archaeological finds with the aim to reconstruct spatial distributions of traditions and technologies
- Technical and historico-cultural analyses on textiles and other organic substances
Current research topics
- Early historical textiles from the clay district. Studies to the production and distribution on the Feddersen Wierde, district of Cuxhaven, as an example
- Structure and function of landing places and beach markets in the 1st millennium AD at the lower Weser and the lower Ems
- Structure and organisation of the early medieval economy and society in the East-Friesian coastal zone. The settlement area of Dunum, district of Wittmund, as a model region
- Landing Places at the Aller estuary, district of Verden
- Elsfleth-Hogenkamp, district of Wesermarsch – an economic center of the Roman Iron Age at the mouth of the river Hunte
- Fortifications in the coastal area of the western Elbe-Weser-Triangle as a base of the communication and trade routes in the Roman Iron Age and Migration Period
- Trading Terps and Geest boundary harbours – medieval trade ports on the German North Sea coast
- The Wadden Sea as an archive of landscape evolution, climate change and settlement history: Exploration – analysis – predictive modelling (WASA)
Memberships, honorary offices
- International Sachsensymposion
- NESAT (North European Symposium Archaeological Textiles)
- Member of the Main Committee at Archaeological Commission for Lower Saxony e.V.