New Illustrated Book about the “Fallward graves” released!
As part of the Fallward project, the Corona-caused temporary closure of the Museum Burg Bederkesa in 2020/2021 was used to comprehensively photograph the finds from a selection of graves of the late Roman and Migration Period graveyard for the first time, as they are usually difficult to access in their showcases otherwise. Rolf Kiepe succeeded in taking spectacular photographs, that enable a completely new, namely aesthetic approach to the extraordinary artefacts made of organic materials. In addition, numerous details that have hardly been noticed until now can be seen, which provide far-reaching information about everyday life in the area of the connected proto-historic settlement site. These unique photographs have been brought together in a book with contributions by Christina Peek, Andreas Hüser and Uta Maria Meier on the latest results of current research, making them accessible to a wide audience. The volume was published by VML Verlag Marie Leidorf in June 2022 and is available there.