The Scientific Advisory Board of the NIhK draws a positive balance
The research of the NIhK is accompanied by a scientific advisory board appointed by the Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) of Lower Saxony, which is made up of internationally renowned experts. This year's meeting took place from November 10th to 11th and was combined with an excursion in which current research of the institute was presented also in the field. In the focus were fortifications and churches from the late Middle Ages, which testify the development of local elites and are currently studied in the frame of the NIhK's project "Manifestation of Power". The places visited were the Sibetsburg, Wilhelmshaven, the church St. Martin, Tettens, the Tengshausen Castle in Wangerland, the Woltersberg in Jever and the palace garden of Jever. Impressed by the methodological and thematic diversity of the research conducted at the NIhK the advisory board thanked the team for their commitment.