Continuation of research on the Fallward cemetery is secured!
Over the past three years, interdisciplinary research on the graves from the Late Roman Iron Age and Migration Period at Wurt Fallward, district of Cuxhaven, has yielded numerous new information, especially about the identity of the buried persons but also about the burial customs and traditions that were practiced locally. Based on that the NIhK submitted in cooperation with the State Academy of Fine Arts (ABK), Stuttgart, in March 2022 a grant application aiming to continue this research, which has been funded by the DFG since 2019. Now, the application was granted so that the budget for the announced second phase of the project is available. Within this phase the scientific analyses are to be intensified in addition to the archaeological and textile-archaeological investigations. An important new focus will be the pigment investigations on the unique colors, identified on the excellently preserved wood accessories. They will be done by the team of Prof. Dr. Christoph Krekel, ABK Stuttgart.